Chartered Accountant, Engineers, Income Tax Consultant, Lawyer Etc..
Doctors, Hospitals, Laboratories Etc..
Carpanters, Wallpainter, Electrician Etc..
2 Wheeler, 4 Wheeler, Etc...
Seller, Rent, Etc...
Builders, Marbels Fitting, Labours Etc..
Taxi, E-Rickshaw, Loading Vehicals Etc...
Kiryana Shop, Milk Shop Etc...
Beauty Parlour, Hair Saloon, Body Massage
Water Supplier
Wondering how to earn money by digital marketing through social media:
As the name suggests it is digital marketing which is done in the social media platforms like facebook, twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms. Nowadays a huge demographic use their free time to dabble in social media and chatting to like-minded people.
Most of the social media networks have their own data analytics tools which assist in building and advertising marketing campaigns in social media. As there is a constant streaming of discussions and opinions in the social media there would be almost an immediate notice product and it would also be shared on other platforms leading to awareness about the product.
But this process is a little slow to catch up on, it is more of nurturing the type of marketing. Social media marketing has a lot of unexplored potentials and a wide demographic to be explored.
You could post a marketing campaign on your social media account and earn money for the number of campaigns posted in your account and a number of views you get from your friends and the success rate of your campaign will ensure you profitable online money making with digital marketing. You could also share a post on social media on how to earn money by digital marketing to attract more views and use those view to advertise the product.
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